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What we do

Comprehensive Strong Authentication Platform

From Legacy to Passwordless MFA. Improve security, user experience, privacy and compliance in minutes using simple SDK’s or direct APIs.

Passwordless Login

Link Transactions to a Digital Receipt

On Any Device


LoginID is pioneering the next generation of payment integrity. Combining payments with strong authentication and strong identity - is what we call ‘Authenticated Payments’ - where developers, merchants and enterprise know exactly who is transacting.


Our Values

Why LoginID?

  • icon illustrating Better Experience. Better Security.

    Better Experience. Better Security.

    • Seemlessly setup a device agnostic passwordless MFA experience
    • Strong Customer Authentication
    • Passwordless authentication
    • MFA for any device
    • Easy deployment & custom configuration
    • Easy integration
    • Scalable deployment options
  • icon illustrating Easy Deploy. Easy Admin.

    Easy Deploy. Easy Admin.

    • Fast Deployment and Integration
    • Customizable User Interfaces
    • No code Policy Management
  • icon illustrating Global Scalable Performance.

    Global Scalable Performance.

    • High throughput
    • 60ms authentication time
    • Low latency (cater for payments and fast transactions)
    • Multi-active global deployment
    • Multi-tenancy support

Easy Integration

For Developers

With no downloads or plugins required, you can integrate multifactor authentication in just a few lines of code through an API/SDK. Reduce time and money on developing and maintaining proprietary solutions while mitigating risk of compromised customer accounts.



Banking & Finance

Increase financial offerings by increasing the level of trust with simple authentication.


67% of organizations say improving digital security processes will boost customer trust

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Authenticated payments for your consumers with a simple biometric experience that reduces fraud and increases conversion rates.


86% of consumers are interested in biometrics to verify identity or make payments

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Crypto Exchanges

A seamless contactless experience to fit customer’s needs while ensuring security, compliance data privacy.


49% of businesses admitted to losing customers in 2020 due to successful ATO attacks.

right chevron

Authenticate 2021

FIDO for Developers: Everything You Always Wanted to Know but Were too Afraid to Ask

Learn More



Booty Mania starts now with the launch of Bula the First-of-its-Kind Web3 Social Challenge App ⟶

Bula, the video-to-video Social Challenge Platform App lets users challenge anyone to anything, anywhere, any time.


Passkeys for Execs and Decision Makers ⟶

Why “Buy” Beats “Build”: Passkeys eliminate fraud and reduce user friction. The benefits of passkeys are only realized when implemented correctly. Buying a turnkey solution allows your team to focus on core business priorities while ensuring your passkeys deliver the intended value.

Stats ⟶

Try our passwordless demo

Works on devices and browsers that support biometric authentication